OSCON 2015: Free Software and Open Source Conference

OSCON 2015: Free Software and Open Source Conference

The O’Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) is an annual conference on free software and Open Source. For more than 17 years, software engineers, IT teams and developers attended this event to learn about the use of open source in real world situations.

This seminar is now an outstanding learning forum about Open Source best practices, strategies, tools, products, services and technologies and all implementation and configuration possibilities.

BriForum Denver 2015

BriForum Denver 2015

BriForum will be held in Denver next 20, 21 and 22 July after taking place in London last May.

Virtualization expert Brian Madden‘s team, together with experts from companies such as VMware, Citrix, Microsoft or Atlantis Computing, will share their views on VDI scenario and will present different desktop and app virtualization, enterprise mobility management, security, storage solutions

How to tune EXSi for NFV workloads

How to tune EXSi for NFV workloads

The vSphere VMware ESXi hypervisor has been adjusted to provide high I/O throughput in an efficient way, using less CPU cycles and maintaining power, since it is required by so many workloads.

Telco and NFV application workloads are different from typical Tier I enterprise application workloads. In fact, they tend to be sensitive to latency, instability and often have a high packages rate and high bandwidth.

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Red Hat, Linux & UDS Enterprise 1.7

Would you like to know the hottest VDI and Open Source news according to our followers?

As usual, we collect the links to the most read posts in our blog, in this case during the last two weeks of June.

The topics are related to Red Hat Connect for Technology Partners, Linux and what’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

Enjoy your reading!

Red Hat includes UDS Enterprise in new partner portal

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

What’s new in UDS Enterprise 1.7

VDI security guide

VDI security guide

With the wide variety of endpoints that exist today in the corporate environments, security is more important that ever, since, in addition, users are becoming increasingly more independent and it is harder to manage passwords, application configurations and network access.

Virtual desktop platforms favor security, since data is stored in VDI servers within the data center and it is safer that store them locally. And not only that. Desktop virtualization allows administrators to have more control over the distribution of desktops and applications.

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