ARM and Linux power the world’s fastest supercomputer

ARM and Linux power the world’s fastest supercomputer

The latest edition of the TOP500 of the most powerful computers in the world has arrived with news. A Japanese supercomputer with ARM chip and running Linux has risen to first place. Never before has an ARM computer been so high on this ranking.

The new number 1 is called Fugaku and will be used, among other things, for research against Covid-19, both for diagnosis and to study the characteristics of the disease.

Lockdown security module bypass on Linux

Lockdown security module bypass on Linux

The Lockdown security module introduced in Linux 5.4 to lock certain parts of the kernel seems not to be as effective as expected. A developer has managed to skip this protection on Ubuntu 18.04 and break Secure Boot. To do this, he has used ACPI tables, the standard that controls the operation of the BIOS and provides advanced functionalities to manage and save energy.

Keys to making the move to Open Source a success

Keys to making the move to Open Source a success

The change from a proprietary to a free and Open Source environment is often looked on with mistrust by employees, especially when it involves adapting to something new. The municipality of Eyüpsultan in Turkey decided to implement the Open Source model for their computer desktops. They managed to do it successfully and with great criticism from users following a simple premise: the new Open Source desktops had to look a lot like the ones used by workers.

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