Poland trusts Linux server virtualization

Poland trusts Linux server virtualization

The Government of Poland is increasing the adoption of Linux. The Social Insurance Institution of this country (ZUS for its acronym in Polish) has implemented an integrated virtualization solution for Linux servers. The installation and maintenance of this infrastructure is carried out by the Polish company Linux Polska. Over the next three years, they will provide 24×7 support to this institution.

Linux is the least targeted OS by malvertising

Linux is the least targeted OS by malvertising

Linux is the safest operating system when it comes to the possibility of receiving malicious advertising campaigns. This conclusion is drawn from a study published by the security firm DEVCON, in which they ensure that the majority of online ads hiding malware are targeted to Windows OS. These campaigns are designed for the user to click on a link and be redirected to a fraudulent site or to download any type of virus and thus infect the device.

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