UDS Enterprise components: UDS Plugin

UDS Enterprise components: UDS Plugin

In previous posts we analyzed 4 of the 5 UDS Enterprise components: UDS Server, UDS Tunneler, UDS Database and UDS Actor. Today it is UDS Plugin‘s turn, the last of UDS Enterprise components.

This software is installed in the connection client device (it supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS) to enable the connection to the different remote desktop services managed by UDS Enterprise through any connection protocol (transport) except HTML5.

UDS Enterprise components: UDS Actor

UDS Enterprise components: UDS Actor

Another UDS Enterprise key component is UDS Actor. It is the software responsible for the communication between the VDI connection broker and the different desktop services managed by UDS Enterprise: virtual and static desktops, applications…

This component configures virtual desktops according to the OS Manager set by the platform administrator, that contains some desktop features (operating system, persistent/non persistent, joined to domain…). In addition, it transmits data like the virtual desktop state, machine name, IP address, MAC, etc… so that the admin totally controls the virtual desktop at any time.

UDS Enterprise components: UDS Database

UDS Enterprise components: UDS Database

UDS Enterprise connection broker requires a database to store all UDS system data, both from system setup (service providers, authenticators, transports…) and registries (users accesses to services, use of service pools, log…). The system uses all these data stored in the DB to generate reports and statistics, which are really useful to analyze the platform use and hence optimize its performance.

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