DBigCloud analyzes UDS Enterprise

DBigCloud analyzes UDS Enterprise

DBigCloud blog, which focuses in virtualization, cloud computing, Big Data, operating systems and data bases analyzes this week the VDI solution UDS Enterprise in one of the articles they published.

The author of this post, system administrator and vExpert, outlines the functionalities of this connection broker for Windows and Linux and its support of the main hypervisors (VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer, Red Hat KVM, oVirt KVM) authenticators (Active Directory, LDAP, OpenLDAP, eDirectory, SAML, CAS) and connection protocols in the market (RDP, RGS, XRDP, NX, Spice).

Moreover, he shows and explains the software administration dashboard. You can read the article and see screenshots od the system here: UDS Enterprise – more than a VDI solution

UDS Enterprise & VMware vSphere integration

UDS Enterprise & VMware vSphere integration

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with VMware vSphere 5 onwards.

UDS Enterprise components are offered in Virtual Appliance format and they are hosted on the vSphere platform on which the virtual desktops are going to be deployed.

The integration process is very easy, you can check it reading this presentation:

VDI and identity federations integration

VDI and identity federations integration

An identity federation or federated identity is the means of linking a person’s electronic identity and attributes, stored across multiple distinct identity management systems. It allows using single sign-on (SSO), in which a user’s single authentication ticket, or token, is trusted across multiple IT systems, organizations, companies or entities.

It is a very useful way of sharing information between organizations whithout sharing security, authentication or directory technologies.

The education sector is one of those taking advantage of this technologies. An example is CONFIA identity fedetarion, composed by several universities from Andalusia (Spain), which main goal is to enable persons belonging to this community use distributed services using the credentials of their home university.

UDS Enterprise & Moodle integration

UDS Enterprise & Moodle integration

In previous posts we talked about Remote PCs project we are developing together with the University os Seville and the University of Malaga, which is focused on offering teachers and students the possibility to access the computers in ITC classrooms during non-school hours. In this article we’re explaining how they will access the resources which will be available 24×7.

They will access in the same way they do it today: through Moodle e-learning platform, thus the authentication handicap would be solved, because the users access the virtual campus with their regular users and passwords.

oVirt & UDS Enterprise keep VDI alive

oVirt & UDS Enterprise keep VDI alive

Desktop virtualization is still a booming technology and Open Source tools guarantee a stable and free of charge VDI deployment to manage virtual desktops.

So says an article in Red Hat Open Source Community blog, which highlights the project deployed by VirtualCable in the University of Seville, where they implemented a VDI solution for more than 3,000 students with the connection broker for Windows and Linux UDS Enterprise and oVirt.

Find here the link to the article in Red Hat Open Source Community

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