KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

Our analysis about KVM hypervisor management tools and the cost savings by migrating from a desktop virtualization platform with vSphere to another with oVirt have been the most read articles in our blog during the first half of December.

Below you can find the links to these 3 posts so you don’t lose track of the most outstanding information according to our followers:

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

Economic costs may be one of the major obstacles when it comes to deploy a virtual desktop infrastructure. But, if instead of using licensed tools we undertake the project with Open Source tools, the costs drops dramatically.

That was precisely the option chosen by the University of Sevilla, since its goal was to save as much as possible without giving up the best service, performance and availability.

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

In the first of our posts on KVM hypervisor management tools we talked about oVirt and today we borrow again vMiss.net article to talk about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).

RHEV is another set of tools that may be used to manage KVM. It provides features such as live migration of virtual machines and storage, high availability and support for virtual desktop infrastructure.

UDS Enterprise in XXV RedIRIS Technical Conference

UDS Enterprise in XXV RedIRIS Technical Conference

The City of Caceres hosted last week the 25th RedIRIS Technical Conference, involving more than 400 ICT experts from different institutions. As usual, the Technical Conference sessions were preceded by Working Groups, where the objective was to share the experiences of different universities, research centres and other institutions.

The DOCENCIA-NET Working Group dealt with Virtual Ecosystems and two sessions focused on UDS Enterprise software.

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