Yarn: Is a modern replacement for npm, a package manager built specifically for JavaScript developers.
Create React App: Is a template for creating React-based applications without having to create a custom build configuration.
Android Architecture Blueprints: Is a repositoryg resource for learning from the UX team at Google practices for organizing and architecting an Android app.
Hyper: Is merging web application with terminal emulator, creating a modern terminal experience with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Parse server: Is a Node.js-based open source backend.
Bulma: Is a modern CSS framework easing development for UX teams trying to design interfaces that flow naturally.
TensorFlow models: TensorFlow, the Google-driven machine learning framework.
Anime: Is a JavaScript animation engine that works with CSS, SVG, the document object, and JavaScript objects to bring animation and interactivity to any web-based project.
Swift Algorithm Club: A collection of various algorithms and data structures implemented in Swift that you can use for learning purposes or simply drop into your application.
Weex: A framework designed to make developing a cross-platform user interface for mobile applications easier.
Source: opensource.com