Ubuntu 20.10 LTS is compatible with Raspberry Pi

by | Oct 23, 2020

Canonical has released a new Ubuntu version, the first with support for Raspberry Pi. Desktop, server and Internet of Things (IoT) Ubuntu 20.10 versions can be installed on 4 and 8 GB models of this device.

As explained on the Ubuntu official website, they “join the Raspberry Pi Foundation in striving to deliver the most open platform at the lowest price, powered by our communities.” Mark Shuttleworth, CEO at Canonical, assures they are “honoured to support that initiative by optimising Ubuntu on the Raspberry Pi, whether for personal use, educational purposes or as a foundation for their next business venture.”

The CEO at Raspberry Pi Trading, Eben Upton, said that “this first step to an Ubuntu LTS on Raspberry Pi with long term support and security updates matches our commitment to widen access to the very best computing and open source capabilities.”

Until now there was support for adaptations, such as Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Core and Server, but it was not possible to use the full operating system developed by Canonical. Ubuntu thus joins other Linux distributions with support for this device, such as Raspbian, the specific version of Debian for Raspberry Pi.

The Ubuntu website now includes a full section dedicated to its compatibility with Raspberry Pi, where you can download the different supported flavors, consult a complete tutorial to install the desktop version and information about the possibilities offered by the union of Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu for different fields, such as robotics, IoT or cloud computing.

In addition to Raspberri Pi support, the new Ubuntu version incorporates compatibility for other terminals, is based on the Linux 5.8 kernel and includes the GNOME 3.38 desktop environment. The rest of the enhancements are listed in the Ubuntu 20.10 LTS release notes



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