VDI: The most secure environment for hybrid working

by | Jan 28, 2022

ETIQUETAS: Hot news | Security | VDI-en

Today is Data Privacy Day. The purpose of this date is to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices. It was initiated by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the Data Protection authorities of the European Union's member states. Their main goal was to drive attention to the importance of privacy, user data protection, and compliance of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). It is a regulation characterized by significant fines for non-compliance since its implementation in 2018.

In recent years, large multinationals such as Amazon, H&M, BBVA, Whatsapp, Google, and Vodafone have received million-dollar fines for compromising their customers’ private data. Virtual Cable recognizes the excellent work carried out by the European institutions by making this regulation that protects us all and is grateful for the existence of special days like this one in which to recognize the relevance of computer security.

Today, technology is one of the most important factors to guarantee the proper functioning of a company. A security breach can generate millions of losses and can put at risk the private data of the organization itself, its workers, its users, and the rest of its stakeholders. That is why it is essential to choose the right tools and solutions in terms of security.

VDI as a secure environment

Hybrid work is here to stay, and many companies have appreciated its multiple benefits. Desktop virtualization has become the safest option for this new work model because it manages to keep computer systems, sensitive company information, and user data duly shielded.

With desktop virtualization, all data is stored centrally on a server, thus avoiding issues derived from the insufficient protection that some of the employee devices may have and the consequences of successful ransomware attacks. In short, with VDI, data never leaves the company.

Protect your organization with UDS Enterprise

The UDS Enterprise desktop and application virtualization connection broker has integrated numerous functionalities related to security that will facilitate the work of IT managers. With this solution, professionals will always be able to monitor computer systems and communications centrally and 24 hours a day.

Being faithful to the adaptability and flexibility that have always characterized UDS Enterprise, each company can set the security and least privilege policies that they need or consider at any time.

In addition, UDS Enterprise includes a tunnel component, which encrypts the information from end to end, allows the application of federated authentication systems, implementing special certificates, and double or multiple-factor authentication.

For more information on how VDI with UDS Enterprise can help you maintain the security of your company’s data and computer systems with controlled costs, contact our team at [email protected]



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