WDI, UDS Enterprise in Russian and OpenGnsys Conference

by | Sep 4, 2018

The new WDI solution for virtual desktops in the cloud with UDS Enterprise as connection broker that was released by our Authorized Partner Walhalla Cloud, the availability of UDS Enterprise in Russian thanks to another of our partners, SharxDC, and the I OpenGnsys Conference, where our software was described as the cornerstone of several technological projects of great use for the academic environment have been the topics of our blog that more interest have awakened during the summer months.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to read about these topics, below you can find the links to the articles that deal with them:

Walhalla launches WDI: VDI in the cloud with UDS Enterprise

UDS Enterprise will be available in Russian

UDS Enterprise in the I OpenGnsys Conference



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