UDS Enterprise in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog

by | Nov 29, 2019

Red Hat has launched a new portal to help customers identify those products whose compatibility With Red Hat solutions it is certified by this company. Our VDI & vApp connection broker UDS Enterprise has passed the rigorous tests established by this popular manufacturer to be included in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

Red Hat customers who wish to deploy a desktop virtualization infrastructure will find our VDI broker in the list of third-party software endorsed by Red Hat to deploy a joint solution with full confidence. The security of the solution is one of the aspects especially valued and validated by Red Hat, as it is one critical point for most organizations.

UDS Enterprise fully integrates with all versions of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization from 3.4 onwards. RHEV is one of the virtualization platforms fully compatible with UDS Enterprise to manage and deploy Windows and Linux virtual desktops and applications safely, quickly and easily.

The versatility of this connection broker allows IT administrators to build an infrastructure with all virtualization platforms, connection protocols and authentication systems needed running simultaneously. This possibility offers unlimited flexibility and allows to provide a solution 100% adapted to the needs of each group of users within the organization.

If you are interested in deploying a VDI infrastructure with UDS Enterprise and RHEV or any other virtualization platform, you can request a free trial version at this link.



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