Visit our new website!

Visit our new website!

We finished the year by opening a new website. We have made a complete redesign of the UDS Enterprise website to provide an updated space and improve accessibility to the full documentation and updates of our VDI connection broker.

Setup Grub to remember your last booted OS

Setup Grub to remember your last booted OS

You absolutely have rebooted from Linux to load Windows several times. Those that dual-boot their system have done this quite a lot. Dual-booting relies heavily on the Grub bootloader and its entries; this gets worse when you realize that Windows has to restart a lot as it updates. Actually, there’s a way to set Grub to remember where you last left off! This means when you load Windows (or any operating system), and it restarts, it’ll load it again!

4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

In the public sector tends to take longer to adopt the new technological trends and the same happens when it comes to Free Software. Many government organizations are aware of the benefits of using Open Source but find it hard to change the way they work. However, during this year 2016 some countries have dared to make the leap:

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