Easy management, DaaS & VDI with macOS through RDP

Easy management, DaaS & VDI with macOS through RDP

Two Case Studies and a new UDS Enterprise functionality have been the most read articles on our blog during the recently completed month of February. The publication that relates the experience of La Diputación del Común de Canarias with UDS Enterprise takes the cake. This public body has entrusted UDS Enterprise so that all its employees have the freedom to access the programs and applications they need 24×7, from any place and device, facilitating remote working whenever necessary. Among the benefits they have obtained, the centralization of the management of workplaces, which are spread over the seven islands, and the increased security of their data and computer systems stand out.

UMH launches “Virtual Desktops for Teaching” with UDS Enterprise

UMH launches “Virtual Desktops for Teaching” with UDS Enterprise

The Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche has implemented an innovative eLearning platform based on desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise. Its “Virtual Desktops for Teaching” fulfill the current needs and demands of students and teachers: access the software they need to carry out their practices with no time limitations and regardless of the device they use or the place where they are.

UNICAN Labs with UDS Enterprise, candidate for the ASLAN Awards

UNICAN Labs with UDS Enterprise, candidate for the ASLAN Awards

The prestigious @aslan association has selected another project with UDS Enterprise as a candidate for the ASLAN Awards to Digital Transformation Projects in Public Administrations. It is UNICAN Labs, a platform developed by the University of Cantabria (UC) in collaboration with the UDS Enterprise team to provide remote access to campus IT equipment at any time, from anywhere and any device.

Open Source software inventory for European public services

Open Source software inventory for European public services

In order to identify the Open Source tools most used by public organizations in Europe, the first inventory of Open Source software used in this type of institutions will be created. This initiative is part of the “Sharing and Reuse Action”, driven by the ISA2 programme of the European Commission. This programme supports the development of technological solutions so that European public administrations, companies and citizens benefit from interoperable, cross-border and transversal public services.

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