How remote working can boost your business

How remote working can boost your business

In this current situation with a global pandemic which has highly affected socially and economically, one of the biggest changes in companies is the implementation of remote working.

Remote working has been the salvation for many companies during this period. It has served to reduce the effects of economic inactivity derived from lockdown. Many companies have seen remote working as an opportunity to invest in, and it could be implemented in many of these in the near future.

Guidelines for sustainable Open Source communities

Guidelines for sustainable Open Source communities

The European Open Source Observatory (OSOR) team has published a handbook that includes a series of guidelines for creating sustainable Open Source communities in the public sector. Public officials, administrators, project leaders, IT developers and anyone interested in open software will find in this document practical advice to build communities that last over time.

VizTracer: An Open Source visualization tool for Python code

VizTracer: An Open Source visualization tool for Python code

Developers who use the Pyton programming language have an Open Source tool at their fingertips that helps them better understand how their projects work. VizTracer displays and tracks code execution without making any changes to the source code.

One of the strengths of VizTracer is its simplicity. It’s very user-friendly and has no dependencies. Once you use it to track a program, it generates an HTML report that can be opened in Chrome.

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