UDS Enterprise integrates with any e-Learning system

UDS Enterprise integrates with any e-Learning system

Our support to Education is one of our distinguishing marks. The UDS Enterprise team works hand in hand with different universities to release custom developments and to build new functionalities requested by the educational community.

As UDS Enterprise is Open Source-based, it easily integrates with any online learning system, turning into a really useful tool for students and teachers to access from e-Learning systems to their virtual desktops, applications, Physical PCs… and any resource hosted in the data center.

Best VDI solution, app virtualization & firewalls

The choice of UDS Enterprise as best VDI tech and pricing proposal by a commitee comprised of experts from more than 20 Spanish universities, the video showing how application virtualization with UDS Enterprise works and a list of Open Source firewalls for SMBs have been the most read posts in our blog during the last weeks.

Find below the links to the most interesting news according to our followers just in case you dind’t have the chance to read them yet:

Autonomous University of Madrid relies on UDS Enterprise

Autonomous University of Madrid relies on UDS Enterprise

The Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) is one of many universities that have relied for years on UDS Enterprise to deploy and manage their virtual desktops.

“UDS Enterprise is the perfect VDI solution for us”, explained Julio Álvarez, Support Systems Manager of UAM, who highlighted “easy setup, optimal user experience, flexibility and appealing design” as some of the software strengths.

UDS Enterprise best VDI tech & pricing proposal

UDS Enterprise best VDI tech & pricing proposal

UDS Enterprise, the multiplatform connection broker to manage and deploy virtual and physical desktops, applications and other Windows & Linux services is the best On Premise VDI tech and pricing proposal. This has been decided by a committee comprised of IT experts and CIOs from more than 20 Spanish universities.

The experts highlighted VirtualCable & UDS Enterprise team’s expertise in educational environments, since this solution is already deployed in the main Spanish universities and it “allows the use of existing servers, seizing the service and implementing desktop virtualization with very few initial costs”.

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

UDS Enterprise, Hyper-V, vSphere & Remote PC

The deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V, interesting tips to manage VMware vSphere and Remote PC project with UDS Enterprise introduced by the University of Sevilla at RedIRIS Technical Conference 2015 have been the most read topics in our blog during last weeks.

Find below the links to these posts so that you can keep up to date with the most highlighted news on virtualization and Open Source:

Video: UDS Enterprise & Microsoft Hyper-V VDI

How to manage vSphere efficiently

24×7 workplace by UDS Enterprise: How it works

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