Final degree project on VDI Open Source with UDS Enterprise

Final degree project on VDI Open Source with UDS Enterprise

UDS Enterprise has always been closely linked to educational environments. So it is not surprising that many students choose this software as the cornerstone of their projects. This is the case of three students who have completed the Administration of Computer Network Systems course at the Nicolau Copèrnic Institute, in Terrassa (Catalonia). Cristian Gallardo, Manuel Farfán and Marc Sisó have used UDS Enterprise for their Final Degree Project, which they have titled MCM & CLOUD. They have documented how to offer virtual desktops and applications through a web browser with UDS Enterprise and XCP-ng, the Open Source hypervisor based on XenServer.

Last week to submit proposals for MoodleMoot Global

Last week to submit proposals for MoodleMoot Global

The Covid-19 health alert has promoted distance learning in all countries. Most organizations had to make the transition to online teaching. And many of them have chosen Moodle as an eLearning platform. In order to share experiences, success stories and best practices facing the new reality, all edtech experts and Moodle users are invited to participate in the largest online event on this learning online platform.

All UIB staff is working from home with UDS Enterprise VDI

All UIB staff is working from home with UDS Enterprise VDI

The Administration and Services staff of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) are using virtual desktops managed and deployed by UDS Enterprise to work from home during the health crisis due to Covid-19. “From the first day that the university closed its facilities, this solution has allowed all the staff to work remotely, accessing their work tools with a simple web browser. Thanks to UDS Enterprise, they have been able to keep on working in a very similar way as they had done at the university,” explains Xavier Pons, Head of the infrastructure area at the UIB Information Technology Center.

UCLouvain: distance learning and remote working with UDS

UCLouvain: distance learning and remote working with UDS

The Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) enabled distance learning and teleworking as a measure against Covid-19. Since they already had a desktop and app virtualization infrastructure with UDS Enterprise in place, they were able to get a secure and efficient remote access system up and running for all groups in the University virtually overnight.

UMU provides remote working and eLearning with UDS Enterprise

UMU provides remote working and eLearning with UDS Enterprise

The University of Murcia (UMU) reacted quickly to the current complicated health situation by developing a Contingency Plan for the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. The Area of Information Technologies and Applied Communications (ATICA) outlined a wide range of tools to facilitate teaching, research, learning and management tasks online. Desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise is playing a key role so that all university groups can continue to perform their functions from home.

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