Citrix improves mobility with Workspace Cloud

Citrix improves mobility with Workspace Cloud

Citrix unveiled yesterday at Citrix Sinergy 2015 a new platform designed to simplify the on-demand delivery of a wide range of IT tools and services: Workspace Cloud

This product provides a solution to address the increasing pressure that new devices, vApp and work styles, like BYOD trend, are putting on traditional infrastructure. People today want instant access to all the vApp and data they use to get their jobs done, and they want to be able to get that access from any device, at anytime and any location.

BriForum London 2015

BriForum London 2015

Next 19 and 20 May the 11th BriForum Conference, which focuses on the best practices for re-imagining enterprise end-user computing environment, will be held in London.

Well-known experts will talk about desktop virtualisation, VDI products and they will dig into DaaS platforms, enterprise mobility technologies and will provide a vendor-neutral perspective on maintaining a balance between usability, security, and control in today’s virtualised and mobile marketplace.

VDI in Call Center environments II

VDI in Call Center environments II

A couple of days ago we talked in our blog about the special features of workplaces in Call Center environments and, as we told you, today we are going to explain why desktop virtualization, and in particular UDS Enterprise software can help to manage and administer this type os platforms.

The native Windows and Linux support and the support of multiple hypervisors allow to deploy Call Center stations, establishing the best location and characteristics according to different criteria such as station criticality, hardware resource availability, definition of consumer care campaigns, etc.

Microsoft launches the next-generation hybrid cloud

Microsoft launches the next-generation hybrid cloud

Microsoft has announced a range of new products and services at Ignite Conference, which is being held this week in Chicago. Some examples are the next generation of Windows management, Microsoft Office, hybrid cloud infrastructure and SQL Server.

In this post we are going to focus on some the new so called Intelligent cloud solutions by Microsoft:

-Next-generation hybrid cloud. In preview this summer, Microsoft Azure Stack brings the Azure user experience and both infrastructure and platform-as-a-service capabilities into customers’ datacenters. With Azure Stack IT teams can easily blend enterprise applications with modern, distributed applications and services while maintaining centralized oversight. Built on the same core technology as Azure, Azure Stack extends Microsoft’s investments in secure, more flexible software-defined infrastructure.

VDI in Call Center environments I

VDI in Call Center environments I

The particular features of the Call Center workstation environments are positioning desktop virtualization as the ideal solution to manage and administer this kind of platforms.

Before talking about the benefits of adopting VDI in these environments, we should analyze its peculiarities:

-High operator rotation. In this type of environment, the users change more frequently than in other types of environments. A high rotation entails constant management and administration of the platform authentication system.

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