5 specialized Linux distros

5 specialized Linux distros

There are Linux distros designed to meet the specific needs of a single professional sector or a concrete group of users. In this posts we are listing some of them we found at Omicrono

Scientific Linux: A distro built by CERN and Fermilab scientifics who decided to create a special operating system for universities and labs worldwide. It is Red Hat Linux based and offers a stable and scalable desktop which enables the development of scientific applications.

How to setup virtual network interfaces in Linux

How to setup virtual network interfaces in Linux

Linux allows to assign more than one IP address to a single physical network interface. That’s a really useful technique, e.g. when working with Apache and virtual servers, as it enables to access the same Apache server using two different IP addresses.

Creating a virtual network interface in Linux is quite easy, here’s a comprehensive tutorial describing all the steps you should follow: Linuxconfig.org

VDI with UDS and vSphere, Certified Partners & Kali Linux

VDI with UDS and vSphere, Certified Partners & Kali Linux

Our blog is getting more and more visits every day, many users interested in virtualization and Open Source read our posts to be up to date with these topics and with the news related to our sofware UDS Enterprise and our company.

During last weeks, our Trending Topics have been the deployment of virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise and VMware vSphere, our new Certified Partners Program and Kali Linux rolling edition released.

Google open sources Seesaw

Google open sources Seesaw

Google has open sourced Seesaw, a Linux-based load balancing system written with Go programming language.

Some time ago, Google used two different load balancing systems, but after registering both management and stability issues, they decided to develop their own solution: Seesaw.

This software enables to “increase service availability and reduce management” overhead, explains Joel Sing, Google Site Reliability Engineer

Kali Linux Rolling Edition 2016.1 released

Kali Linux Rolling Edition 2016.1 released

The first Kali Linux Rolling Edition is available after 5 months of testing, featuring the stability of Debian together with the latest versions of many outstanding penetration testing tools created by the information security community.

This new model of release feeds continuously from Debian testing, so the kali-rolling repository will always hold the latest stable releases of monitored tools after 24-48 hours being released.

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