France will use an Open Source instant messenger app

France will use an Open Source instant messenger app

The Government of France has announced that during this summer all the departments of this public administration will start using their own Open Source instant messenger service instead of the popular WhatsApp and Telegram. It is a measure to guarantee the sovereignty and security of their communications by themselves, which will be encrypted from end to end, without depending on private initiatives.

Apple Open Sources FoundationDB

Apple Open Sources FoundationDB

Apple has published the code of its distributed database FoundationDB in GitHub under free license Apache 2.0. The goal of the company is that the developer community can easily add new features, expanding the core functionality of the project through a layer system. For this purpose, they have also published compilation instructions for Linux and macOS systems.

Red Hat reaffirms commitment to hybrid cloud

Red Hat reaffirms commitment to hybrid cloud

Red Hat has released Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5. The latest version of this Open Source platform for the enterprise improves its base for hybrid cloud environments, reinforcing security and the control of compliance processes, and providing tools to reduce storage costs and improve usability. In addition, it goes a step further in the integration with Windows both on-premise and in Microsoft Azure.

5 tips to accelerate Ubuntu

5 tips to accelerate Ubuntu

Sometimes, after spending some time using Ubuntu, the system starts to slow down for no apparent reason. To solve this problem, you can modify certain settings and configurations that will provide greater agility. The suggestions included in this article are valid for most versions of Ubuntu, Linux Mint and other distributions based on Ubuntu.

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