Universities drive free software adoption

Universities drive free software adoption

The Universities and Free Software Ranking (RuSL for the Spanish spelling) has published the fifth edition of its annual report.

The 2016 report shows a constant commitment of academic institutions to Free Software development and support. There is a growing number of universities really interested in supporting and spreading the use of free technologies. The use of Open Source tools and collaboration in free software porjects has also grown this year.

UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

UDS Enterprise & Moodle: Learning 3.0

The UDS Enterprise team has bet on the software integration with Moodle to provide best teaching and learning experience to both teachers and students in any educational institution.

With more than 79 million users, Moodle is the most used learning platform in the world, that provides educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments.

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

New Linux distro focuses on design and performance

Although there isn’t still a stable version, Apricity OS seems to have a great future. This GNU/Linux distro intends to improve design, introducing a beautiful appearance with full functionalities and top performance. These last features are ensured thanks to be based on Arch Linux, one of the most complete Linux distributions in the market.

Apricity OS lets users choose among two flavours: GNOME 3.20 desktop environment, which can be used with up to 512 MB RAM and Cinnamon

Enterprise Open Source Conference 2016

Enterprise Open Source Conference 2016

Next Tuesday 12th April the second edition of Enterprise Open Source Conference will be held in Madrid, a 100% Open Source enterprise-oriented event, more specifically to TI professionals.

Promoted by Red Hat and Accenture, the conference will feature national and international keynotes about the benefits of enterprise Open Source solutions, its adoption in Spain and its possibilities.

Nutanix Acropolis, OpenStack, UDS Enterprise & Linux

Nutanix Acropolis, OpenStack, UDS Enterprise & Linux

Nutanix Acopolis & OpenStack support in UDS Enterprise upcoming release and a list with come Linux commands you should think twice before executing because they can lead you to wrong operations have been the most read posts in our blog during the last weeks.

Just in case you didn’t have the chance to read them yet, here’re the links to the articles that deal with these topics so that you can keep up to date with the most outstanding info related to virtualization and Open Source:

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