A big tent to boost Open Source

A big tent to boost Open Source

The annual Linux Foundation collaboration summit kicked off yesterday. The executive director of the Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin, opened the conference and advocated for a big tent to improve the development of Open Source software.

This big tent can include everyone who believes software openness is essential to freedom, all Open Source developers and users and all companies supporting the creation of Open Source products.

Guide to Open Source licenses

Guide to Open Source licenses

Not all Open Source licenses are the same. Some of them obligate the software supplier to grant patent licenses to users and developers of the software. Other licenses oblige the developer that uses the licensed product or library to offer the source code of this product or library under the same terms. Others simply give away the code, with no warranty of any kind or any concerns.

This article highlights the main differences between the most used Open Source licenses from the perspective of a software user and of a software developer. First we need to speak about the specific properties that define Open Source software.

United States embraces Open Source software

United States embraces Open Source software

United States keeps on moving towards Open Source. Delivering on the commitment made in the Second Open Government National Action Plan, Government has announced a draft Federal Source code policy to support access to custom software code.

This policy asks for new software specifically developed for or by Federal Government and the commitment to share it with the different federal agencies so that they can re-use it. A portion of that new federally-funded custom code will also be released to the public.

SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 released

SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6 released

SUSE has released SUSE OpenStack Cloud 6, an enterprise solution for private clouds, which eases the work of IT administrators and controls the use of resources.

OpenStack Liberty-based, this solution makes it easier to manage private cloud infrastructures, providing Infrastructure-as-a-service capabilities to quickly deploy new business solutions and improve operational efficiency to data center.

3 ways to try Open Source VDI & VApp

3 ways to try Open Source VDI & VApp

Open Source tools provide significant flexibility and cost savings to companies and users, since they can be easiliy customized according to each project and cut the costs of privative software’s licenses.

Mainly for these reasons, experts recommed using this type of software, moreover when the main goal is to evaluate a technology.

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