Cloud VDI to improve care for elderly and dependent people

Cloud VDI to improve care for elderly and dependent people

AMAVIR, one of the leading companies specialized in the care of elderly and dependent people in Spain with facilities in 7 Autonomous Communities and 43 active residences, has undertaken a process of workplace digitalization using the UDS Enterprise desktop virtualization software developed by Virtual Cable. Ibor Rodríguez, Director of Systems and Technology at AMAVIR, detailed the implemented project in his presentation at OpenExpo Europe 2023.

VDI for healthcare with UDS reaches the final of the ASLAN Awards

VDI for healthcare with UDS reaches the final of the ASLAN Awards

Two initiatives with UDS Enterprise are finalists of the ASLAN Awards for Digital Transformation in Public Administrations. To the University of Cantabria’s UNICAN Labs project adds that of Los Arcos del Mar Menor General University Hospital. The latter is up for the award in the IT infrastructure virtualization category.

UDS Enterprise VDI for healthcare at IDC FutureScape 2021

UDS Enterprise VDI for healthcare at IDC FutureScape 2021

The healthcare industry is one of the most seriously affected by the pandemic. In this sector, which has been overwhelmed by the exponential increase in patients, business continuity is imperative to assist everyone with efficiency and agility. Aware of the importance of VDI technology to help them solve IT challenges, IDC Research Spain wanted to have the testimony of this sector in their event IDC Predictions FutureScape 2021. To do this, they invited one of our clients, Los Arcos del Mar Menor University General Hospital (HULAMM), to participate in their round table on the future of Cloud.

Remote working with UDS VDI for healthcare at the ASLAN Awards

Remote working with UDS VDI for healthcare at the ASLAN Awards

Our desktop virtualization project at Los Arcos del Mar Menor University General Hospital (HULAMM) is a candidate for the ASLAN Awards to Digital Transformation Projects in Public Administrations. Thanks to its commitment to VDI technology with UDS Enterprise, this hospital could react quickly to the state of alarm’s declaration due to the pandemic and send all professionals who could carry out their tasks remotely to work from home.

They were also able to help the Murcian Health Service (SMS) provide this service to Pharmacology, Oncology, Hematology, and Microbiology, the unit responsible for analyzing PCR. In total, hundreds of professionals distributed by different public hospitals in the Region of Murcia work remotely using virtual desktops or remotely accessing hospital computers with UDS Enterprise.

UDS 3.0, remote working in Healthcare & Raspberry Pi 400

UDS 3.0, remote working in Healthcare & Raspberry Pi 400

During November, our blog has received countless visits from users interested in delving into the news published about our software and on the most outstanding topics related to remote working, eLearning, virtualization and Open Source.

The announcement of the new UDS Enterprise 3.0 version tops the list of the most read articles this month. This publication includes the main enhancements incorporated into this software for virtualization of desktops, applications and remote access to physical and virtual machines.

VDI to follow the recommendations to prevent Coronavirus

VDI to follow the recommendations to prevent Coronavirus

The Coronavirus crisis is leading governments around the world to adopt exceptional measures to prevent the spread of the disease. In Spain, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy has published a Guide for the workplace in relation to the new Coronavirus. It provides information on the application of labor regulations and includes a series of preventive measures so that companies know how to act if there is a risk of infection in the workplace. Among them, teleworking is mentioned, which for many companies is feasible thanks to the adoption of technologies such as desktop virtualization.

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