VDI clients: What is the long-term best option?

VDI clients: What is the long-term best option?

Choosing a VDI client is not an easy task since there are several options with slight differences.

Physical desktops, thin clients and HTML5 browsers are good options for VDI deployments, but most companies always look for the best value for money. In this case, HTML5 browsers can be considered an interesting alternative.

How to boost Linux performance

How to boost Linux performance

Would you like to improve the performace of your GNU Linux distro? Thanks to its flexibility we can maximize it. There are a lot of ways to do it, such as using Swappines configurations, removing unnecesary kernel modules, setting up the kernel more cleanly…

One of these options is Cache Pressure, which enables maximizing RAM memory to change the way the kernel introduces data blocks in the core memory. Making a few changes, our device’s performance will be improved in every respect: when you run programs, play or any multimedia content…

How to improve enterprise mobile security

How to improve enterprise mobile security

Nowadays, applications and mobile devices are the main working tools in many companies, and many employees carry out their professional tasks wherever and whenever.

According to Forrester, mobile devices adoption has increased more than 20% in US in 2015. Another report shows that 43% employees are not aware of the security policies in their company. This means they could be skipping over established policies to access email, copying corporate data to personal devices or using any application, approved or not by IT Department.

VDI security guide

VDI security guide

With the wide variety of endpoints that exist today in the corporate environments, security is more important that ever, since, in addition, users are becoming increasingly more independent and it is harder to manage passwords, application configurations and network access.

Virtual desktop platforms favor security, since data is stored in VDI servers within the data center and it is safer that store them locally. And not only that. Desktop virtualization allows administrators to have more control over the distribution of desktops and applications.

It´s time to deploy non-persistent desktops

It´s time to deploy non-persistent desktops

One of the arguments of the companies so far for not to deploy non-persistent desktops has been that the workers unwelcomed them, since they wanted to use on their computers the programs and applications that they considered appropriate.

Now that all employees have mobile devices and use in that private devices the applications they want, they don’t care so much what can be installed or not on their corporate computers.

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

How to remove proprietary software from the Linux kernel

Many users are unaware of the fact that the Linux kernel developed by the Linus Torvalds team contains proprietary software to make it, for example, more compatible and universal with certain hardware.

So if we’d like to use GNU/Linux in a 100% free way , discarding these non-free added components, we should use some of the recommended distros by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) that you can find in this link.

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