UDS Enterprise will be available in Russian

UDS Enterprise will be available in Russian

The growing interest in UDS Enterprise by international companies is making this software available in more and more languages, and the next to join the list will be Russian. In fact, all the necessary actions have already been taken to make it available in the next version of the VDI & vApp connection broker.

Video: UPNA Case Study in RedIRIS Technical Conference

Video: UPNA Case Study in RedIRIS Technical Conference

The joint VDI solution UDS Enterprise + Nutanix was the central theme of one of the presentations of the XXIX RedIRIS Technical Conference, held from May 8 to 10 at the University of Salamanca.

Ignacio Manterola, Sales Director of Lanmedia Communications, was in charge of exhibiting the the Case Study of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), where the UDS Enterprise + Nutanix all-in-one solution serves 850 concurrent users of virtual desktops. Thanks to this solution, in the near future, they plan to implement the BYOD trend for its 8,000 students.

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