100% Open Source virtual desktops

100% Open Source virtual desktops

The integration of UDS Enterprise with oVirt results in a completely Open Source virtual desktop management and administration solution. This mixture has unique features, such as a better management of the virtual desktops and savings in storage space thanks to differential disk technology, a more efficient management of the virtual desktop life cycle and the virtual network, allowing the deployment of virtual machines on different vSwitches, and a better user and multimedia experience with low consumption of bandwidth due to the use of the SPICE connection protocol.

Besides, using oVirt helps you achieve a greater concentration of virtual desktops when compared to other hypervisors, permits the assignment of more virtual memory to the virtual desktops than the physical server actually has available and load balancing, using the different physical servers of the platform according to different resource usage criteria.

UDS Enterprise launches social media profiles

UDS Enterprise launches social media profiles

UDS Enterprise has launched its social media profiles. The company is therefore present in the most important social networks in order to keep users up to date with new trends in virtualization and Open Source. Moreover, the firm will spread its own news about its developments and products from Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Facebook, YouTube and Slideshare.

If you would like to be informed about all these news, check the links to the different UDS Enterprise social profiles:



Google +




UDS Enterprise launches a new blog

UDS Enterprise launches a new blog

The UDS Enterprise Team releases a blog where they will monitor the highlights about virtualization, cloud computing and open source.

The posts will gather hot news, new trends and top manufacturers news.

Moreover, the company’s technical team will advise and will share the best practices to overcome the challenges related to the implementation of a virtualization project.

This blog also emerges with the aim of becoming a forum where the users may debate and solve doubts and difficulties.

EVA project using UDS Enterprise

EVA project using UDS Enterprise

Introduction to University of Murcia´s EVA Project, using UDS Enterprise to deploy virtual desktops, virtual classrooms and IT resources to students, teachers and administrative staff

This introduction was held on October, 23 at Madrid´s RedIris 2013 Tech Workshops

Click here to watch the video (available only in spanish)

UDS Enterprise Evaluation Version available

UDS Enterprise Evaluation Version available

Available for download UDS Enterprise Evaluation Version.

Download now this software release for free and choose between our “60 days – unlimited users trial”, or “perpetual – 10 users trial” versions.

In a few steps you can download any of both, click here for further info

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