How Cloud is acting as a temporary fix

by | May 25, 2017

ETIQUETAS: Cloud-en | Hot news | Tips

Many companies negotiating full data centre rebuilds are considering cloud solutions to ‘fill the gap’ as demands on business-critical applications grow. Cloud-based solutions of this type are providing businesses with the ability to extend legacy infrastructures until they can be upgraded, re-built, or until companies decide to deploy more cloud computing power.

Cloud can be used to fill the gap by avoiding a ‘floor sweep’ of the data centre. Also known as Cloud bursting, this allows businesses to augment their on-premise systems with short-term additional capacity in the cloud.

For its traditional big-box data centre, the hardware purchase and installation of an equivalent system would take close to a year to become production ready. For example, the right cloud solution can provide a company with the ability to extend the life of a critical application, enabling a medium-term bridge to continue operations and allowing the option to bring the application on-premises at a future time.

Nevertheless, even if a company has considerable IT infrastructure on-premises, it may decide to adopt a cloud approach to provide the desired flexibility and speed required for new initiatives. The right solution means a company will be able to avoid any impacts on the existing production environments and IT staffing.

In order to deal with increasing demands on its current IT system and challenges associated with mixed workload environments, a company might look to a solution with a multi-cloud structure, with different workloads allocated to different cloud providers and technologies.

Source: Compare The Cloud.



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