Universities drive free software adoption

Universities drive free software adoption

The Universities and Free Software Ranking (RuSL for the Spanish spelling) has published the fifth edition of its annual report.

The 2016 report shows a constant commitment of academic institutions to Free Software development and support. There is a growing number of universities really interested in supporting and spreading the use of free technologies. The use of Open Source tools and collaboration in free software porjects has also grown this year.

What is a connection broker?

What is a connection broker?

A connection broker is a software element which connects users and resources. These resources usually are hosted in a datacenter and they can be either virtual or physical. The datacenter can be located inside the organization offices, in cloud or in a mixed environment and it can be private or rented.

From the broker administration dashboard we can define what virtual or physical resources are provided to each of our users or groups of users, for how long and with what kind of privileges.

Work from home & VDI should go hand in hand: support

Work from home & VDI should go hand in hand: support

In previous posts we talked about the advantages of desktop virtualization for organizations supporting remote employees. In addition to software licenses management and security, technical support is another improved service thanks to VDI.

If employees working from home don’t use virtual desktops, the help desk staff don’t know what operating systems, programs or applications each user has intalled in his computer.

Dell stops selling vWorkspace licenses

Dell stops selling vWorkspace licenses

Dell has decided to stop developing vWorkspace VDI software, which was acquired a few years ago, in 2012.

The company explained they will continue offering support and updates to their current clients and they will also be able to expand their environments, but they will stop selling licenses to new customers and they won’t release any new vWorkspace version.

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta & Canonical deliver a joint SDS solution

Nexenta and Canonical have announced a joint solution that pairs Nexenta’s software-defined storage with Canonical’s Ubuntu OpenStack platform: NexentaEdge.

This new solution delivers high performance object and block storage services with Juju, a service model for automating the deployment and management of applications. This joint release allows Ubuntu customers to leverage NexentaEdge and provides seamless integration with Canonical OpenStack clouds.

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