UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS Enterprise and Moodle integration developed by Malaga University and VirtualCable, the video showing virtual desktops deployment with UDS Enterprise and Citrix XenServer and VirtualCable joining VMware Technology Alliance Program (TAP) have been the most read posts in our blog during the last two weeks.

Find below the links to the articles on these topics so you keep up with the most interesting news according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

Video: UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer VDI

VirtualCable joins VMware TAP Program

How to boost Linux performance

How to boost Linux performance

Would you like to improve the performace of your GNU Linux distro? Thanks to its flexibility we can maximize it. There are a lot of ways to do it, such as using Swappines configurations, removing unnecesary kernel modules, setting up the kernel more cleanly…

One of these options is Cache Pressure, which enables maximizing RAM memory to change the way the kernel introduces data blocks in the core memory. Making a few changes, our device’s performance will be improved in every respect: when you run programs, play or any multimedia content…

Production-ready containers arrive to Europe

Production-ready containers arrive to Europe

Container technologies give developers the tools they need to package an application with all the dependencies into a container which may be deployed and run in any environment.

This application portability enables developers to release software faster, as they don’t need to configure nor adapt it to different environments. In addition, containers are really light, so they make an efficient use of the resources they run on.

OpenStack Summit will kick off tomorrow in Tokyo

OpenStack Summit will kick off tomorrow in Tokyo

The OpenStack Summit 2105, a four-day conference for developers, users, and administrators of OpenStack Cloud Software will start tomorrow in Tokyo. During four days, attendees will enjoy in-depth technical discussions, hands-on workshops, and the full presence of almost every player in the OpenStack Ecosystem.

Speakers will talk about topics such us accelerating the Open Could with OpenStack, OpenStack Neutron, Unlocking OpenStack for service providers or migrating enterprise applications to OpenStack.

Dell & Microsoft team up to empower hybrid cloud

Dell & Microsoft team up to empower hybrid cloud

Dell announced at Dell World 2015 the expansion of its cloud portfolio with a new hybrid cloud solution, featuring technology jointly developed with Microsoft.

Dell Hybrid Cloud System for Microsoft is built around the new Microsoft Cloud Platform System Standard. It is the industry’s first integrated, modular hybrid cloud solution. This new system delivers simplified, automated deployment and maintenance capabilities, a unique payment solution to reduce customer investment risk and unparalleled hybrid cloud governance, control, and policy-based automation for Microsoft Azure and other cloud environments.

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