UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, Spice & moVirt

UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, Spice & moVirt

Would you like to be up to date with the lastest news related to Open Source, VDI and virtualization? We make it easy for you. Find below the most popular articles in our blog during last weeks.

The most outstanding topics are UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta, SPICE protocol support and moVirt app:

UDS Enterprise 1.9 beta available

UDS Enterprise 1.9 supports SPICE connection protocol

Get the most out of oVirt with moVirt app

US federal agencies rely on VDI

US federal agencies rely on VDI

The US Government’s IT pros rely on desktop virtualization to provide the end users with the appropiate tools for their work while guaranteeing security.

These IT pros have usually to deal with tougher regulatory and compliance constraitns than other companies. But users request the same flexibility and need to work anywhere and using any device.

That’s why VDI is the most suitable technology and more and more agencies are implementing it.

Get the most out of oVirt with moVirt app

Get the most out of oVirt with moVirt app

The oVirt development team has released moVirt, a mobile application for oVirt users to manage their data center.

This app complements the web dashboard and has three main features:

-Monitoring the virtual machine health, such as Memory/CPU use, status and events

SPICE & VNC integration

-It bridges the physical world of servers with oVirt virtual world using augmented reality techniques that allows to scan data matrix codes located on servers.

How to improve enterprise mobile security

How to improve enterprise mobile security

Nowadays, applications and mobile devices are the main working tools in many companies, and many employees carry out their professional tasks wherever and whenever.

According to Forrester, mobile devices adoption has increased more than 20% in US in 2015. Another report shows that 43% employees are not aware of the security policies in their company. This means they could be skipping over established policies to access email, copying corporate data to personal devices or using any application, approved or not by IT Department.

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

Open Source Internet of Things tools for developers

The Internet of Things is now a technological trend and, according to the experts, it will continue to be like this for at least ten years.

Thus, developers turn their efforts towards this sector. If you are interested, here you are a list of Open Source platforms ans applications that will give you a hand with your projects:

Node-RED. It is a simple visualization tool that connects devices for the Internet of Things. The tool enables a piece of hardware, an API or on online service to be connected easily and quickly.

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