Deploy VDI with UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula

Deploy VDI with UDS Enterprise and OpenNebula

The UDS Enterprise 2.0 VDI connection broker supports OpenNebula as a hypervisor, among others, for accessing and managing Windows and Linux virtual desktops. Among other advantages, UDS Enterprise gives OpenNebula unlimited flexibility by adding support for any virtual hypervisor, authenticator, and connection protocol, and offering the ability to use multiple of these components simultaneously.

4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

4 EU countries moved to Free Software in 2016

In the public sector tends to take longer to adopt the new technological trends and the same happens when it comes to Free Software. Many government organizations are aware of the benefits of using Open Source but find it hard to change the way they work. However, during this year 2016 some countries have dared to make the leap:

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