by UDS Enterprise Team | Nov 3, 2014 | Hot news, Open source, oVirt-en, VDI-en
A few weeks ago the oVirt team announced the release of a new version of this Open Source virtualization platform, the 3.5. Among the innovations introduced by this editions it should be pointed out the possibility of eliminating snapshots of virtual machines that are no longer necessary while the virtual machine is still running, the expansion of import and export domains storage and the ability to add and provide hypervisors from bare-metal.
by UDS Enterprise Team | Sep 15, 2014 | Hot news, Linux-en, Open source, oVirt-en
Our blog’s readers have chosen the new Linux Certification Program, 100% Open Source virtual desktops and UDS Enterprise social media channels as the most interesting posts for the last weeks.
If you dind’t have the chance to read them, find below the link to each article so that you can keep up with the most outstanding news according to our own followers:
New Linux Certification Program
100% Open Source virtual desktops
UDS Enterprise launches social media profiles
by UDS Enterprise Team | Sep 8, 2014 | oVirt-en, UDS news
The integration of UDS Enterprise with oVirt results in a completely Open Source virtual desktop management and administration solution. This mixture has unique features, such as a better management of the virtual desktops and savings in storage space thanks to differential disk technology, a more efficient management of the virtual desktop life cycle and the virtual network, allowing the deployment of virtual machines on different vSwitches, and a better user and multimedia experience with low consumption of bandwidth due to the use of the SPICE connection protocol.
Besides, using oVirt helps you achieve a greater concentration of virtual desktops when compared to other hypervisors, permits the assignment of more virtual memory to the virtual desktops than the physical server actually has available and load balancing, using the different physical servers of the platform according to different resource usage criteria.