Major vulnerability found in bash

Major vulnerability found in bash

A major vulnerability has been discovered that targets bash, the Unix system (including OSX) and Linux commands interpreter. Apparently, this security flaw is also affecting other interpreters, such as ksh, tcsh, zsh and csh. Nevertheless, other shells aren’t being affected.

UDS Enterprise servers aren’t vulnerable to this fail, so the security of the virrual machines which provide UDS Enterprise remains unaltered.

This vulnerability has been registed as CVE-2014-6271 and it allows to execute certain commands due to the wrong process of the environment variables. Besides, it may be exploited remotely.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 available

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11 available

Red Hat has announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s new version, 5.11. The company reinforces its commitment for security and performance introducing important improvements in these areas.

One of the most outstanding features in this edition is the new OpenSCAP version, with new qualified providers for this standard.

This new platform introduces other interesting features, such as new storage controls, improvements in Red Hat Access Support depuration capacities and in Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts which operate in VMware ESXi.

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