Fedora 22 arrives with innovations to cloud, server and workstation deployments

Fedora 22 arrives with innovations to cloud, server and workstation deployments

Fedora 22 is now available for download. This new version of the Linux distro sponsored by Red Hat and supported by our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux UDS Enterprise, incorporates new features for cloud, server and workstation deployments.

On the one hand, Fedora 22 Cloud incorporates new features and images designed to help developers and users use Fedora in public and private clouds. Among other things, the Fedora Project has updated its Docker base image and set of Dockerfiles to help users make use of Fedora 22 in containers.

The quest for interoperability at Protocols Plugfest Europe

The quest for interoperability at Protocols Plugfest Europe

Protocols Plugfest Europe 2015 will be held next May 12, 13 and 14 at Zaragoza (Spain). This conference will bring together experts from leading technology companies and Open Source projects so that they can share visions, experiences and technical knowledge to help advance the industry in its quest for interoperability.

This event reinforces the collaboration on interoperability and protocols between Open Source and non-Open Source companies and projects. The agenda includes technical and business insights from Microsoft, Red Hat, CENATIC, SerNet, Dell, Collabora, KDE, FSFE, RavenDB, Kolab Systems, LibreOffice, Igalia, BlueMind, Bitergia, Samba, OpenChange, Libelium, Griffin Brown Publishing, id law partners and Hibernating Rhinos.

Red Hat Launches Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host

Red Hat Launches Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host

Red Hat announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host, an operating system optimized for running the next generation of applications with Linux containers. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host provides all of the components necessary to easily package and run applications written for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 as containers.

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM management tools and vSphere to oVirt migration

Our analysis about KVM hypervisor management tools and the cost savings by migrating from a desktop virtualization platform with vSphere to another with oVirt have been the most read articles in our blog during the first half of December.

Below you can find the links to these 3 posts so you don’t lose track of the most outstanding information according to our followers:

VDI cost saving: vSphere to oVirt migration

KVM hypervisor management tools: oVirt

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

KVM hypervisor management tools: RHEV

In the first of our posts on KVM hypervisor management tools we talked about oVirt and today we borrow again vMiss.net article to talk about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).

RHEV is another set of tools that may be used to manage KVM. It provides features such as live migration of virtual machines and storage, high availability and support for virtual desktop infrastructure.

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