UDS Enterprise VDI for remote workers in USA Call Centers
Casey Newsome, Systems Developer at Issues and Answers Network:
“Thanks to VDI with UDS Enterprise a cost savings was realized from having to open and staff multiple call centers”
Casey Newsome, Systems Developer at Issues and Answers Network:
“Thanks to VDI with UDS Enterprise a cost savings was realized from having to open and staff multiple call centers”
The University of Murcia (UMU) reacted quickly to the current complicated health situation by developing a Contingency Plan for the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. The Area of Information Technologies and Applied Communications (ATICA) outlined a wide range of tools to facilitate teaching, research, learning and management tasks online. Desktop virtualization with UDS Enterprise is playing a key role so that all university groups can continue to perform their functions from home.
After the Covid-19 health alert, almost three out of four organizations will continue to use remote working permanently. 74% of the companies consulted by Gartner in its CFO Survey assure that at least 5% of its employees will keep on working remotely.
The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has been relying for years on desktop and application virtualization with UDS Enterprise to centralize the management of the computer classrooms of all the schools and faculties on their campuses. Students and teachers have been enjoying the flexibility of being able to access all the teaching software at any time, from any place and device. This solution was also implemented in several UPV university departments and services, which were already enjoying its advantages, such as high availability of applications and greater data security. Thanks to its commitment to this technology, the Information and Communications Systems Area has been able to implement a contingency plan for Covid-19 in a few hours.
Following our habit of collecting the most read posts of each month, in this article we collect the Top 3 of March. The most visited publications have a common topic, which is now the quintessential current IT topic: remote work.