Video: A cloud VDI infrastructure with UDS, NodeWeaver & Packet

Video: A cloud VDI infrastructure with UDS, NodeWeaver & Packet

As we announced last month, UDS Enterprise was once again one of the central players at OpenNebula Conference 2019, the annual OpenNebula event held on 21 and 22 October in Barcelona. Our VDI connection broker starred at the presentation given by Lorenzo Faleschini, CTO of our Technology Alliance NodeWeaver: A cloud VDI infrastructure in just 30 minutes with NodeWeaver, Packet & UDS Enterprise. The video of this interesting talk is now available:

In this presentation, Faleschini explained how to handle large scale deployments in the sense of thousands of small clusters with a complex level of services on top in a completely automated manner thanks to OpenNebula. “It has an impressive power to simplicity ratio, we didn’t find it anywhere else in private cloud products, ” he said.

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