Students in UTEC of El Salvador learn VDI with UDS Enterprise

Students in UTEC of El Salvador learn VDI with UDS Enterprise

The students of Systems and Computer Engineering and the Computer Science Degree of the Universidad Tecnológica of El Salvador (UTEC) are using the UDS Enterprise connection broker in the last stage of their studies to learn how to deploy and manage virtual desktops and applications. “I chose UDS Enterprise because of the large number of hypervisors it supports, I think it is very important that future professionals are aware of all the alternatives that exist and that they learn to select the most effective and efficient for each project”, explained Víctor Cuchillac, Professor at the UTEC, the largest private University in El Salvador.

VDI & vApp on Chromebooks with UDS Enterprise

VDI & vApp on Chromebooks with UDS Enterprise

The UDS Enterprise connection broker brings the advantages of desktop and application virtualization to Chromebooks, low-cost computers that are currently booming in sectors such as education and public administration.

The UDS Enterprise team has performed the appropiate tests to verify the compatibility of the VDI & vApp connection broker with Chrome OS, the operating system developed by Google governing these devices.

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