Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

Video: UDS Enterprise & oVirt VDI

The multiplatform connection broker UDS Enterprise compatibility with different hypervisors is one of its most outstanding features.

Currently it is compatible with Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, Nutanix Acropolis, oVirt KVM, Red Hat KVM, VMware vSphere… The integration process with the different hypervisor platforms is very easy, as you can see in our quick steps guides

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS and Moodle, XenServer & VMware TAP

UDS Enterprise and Moodle integration developed by Malaga University and VirtualCable, the video showing virtual desktops deployment with UDS Enterprise and Citrix XenServer and VirtualCable joining VMware Technology Alliance Program (TAP) have been the most read posts in our blog during the last two weeks.

Find below the links to the articles on these topics so you keep up with the most interesting news according to our followers:

UDS Enterprise & Moodle help the learning community

Video: UDS Enterprise & Citrix XenServer VDI

VirtualCable joins VMware TAP Program

Join the World Teleworking Day with VDI & VApp

Join the World Teleworking Day with VDI & VApp

The UDS Enterprise Team joins the World Teleworking Day, since working from home is one of the advantages provided by our multiplatform connection broker for Windows and Linux.

UDS Enterprise enables the deployment of desktop, vApp and other IT services hosted in the Data Center or Cloud, so that users can access them anywhere, anytime and from any device.

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