OpenStack, VDI thin clients & UDS Enterprise analysis

OpenStack, VDI thin clients & UDS Enterprise analysis

Today we gather together the most read articles in our blog during the last two weeks in order to take the pulse to our followers’ interests.

The most read topics this time are related to OpenStack, how to choose VDI thin clients and the analysis of our VDI connection broker for Windows and Linux made by DBigCloud.

Find below the links, we encourage you to share them!

First OpenStack official certifications

Tips to choose and manage VDI thin clients

DBigCloud analyzes UDS Enterprise

More than 30 experts talk about new trends in VDI

More than 30 experts talk about new trends in VDI

The Login VSI team has collected the views of more than 30 VDI experts during several events that were held last May.

They have made two interesting videos with all the interviews they recorded which sum up he views of the specialists about current trends in VDI and the future of desktop virtualization.

We strongly recommend you to have a look at the two videos, you cand find them on Login VSI website

UDS Enterprise 1.7 released

UDS Enterprise 1.7 released

UDS Enterprise new version is already available. UDS Enterprise 1.7 edition includes really interesting innovations for users and administrators, such as Citrix XenServer full support”, new Red Hat based distros virtual desktops ( Fedora, CentOS…) and a new actor that makes the work of IT managers much easier and at the same time incorporates a higher level of security**.

UDS Enterprise 1.7 incorporates, as one of many improvements, an on screen keyboard to access virtual desktops from any mobile OS and a new OS Manager which incorporates ramdom passwords for Linux desktops.

New Citrix Ready Marketplace

New Citrix Ready Marketplace

Citrix has renewed the Citrix Ready Marketplace, launching a new website with a more modern and functional design. The user experience has been improved, so that it is now much easier for companies to find third-party compatible products or solutions that best suit their needs

The Citrix Customer Experience and Web Development teams have been working for months in order to understand customer’s needs and priorities. After analyzing that feedback, they have completely redesigned the website, which offers a wide range of partners and solutions that have previously been tested and verified by the company.

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