OpenNebula 5.2 Excession released

OpenNebula 5.2 Excession released

The OpenNebula project announced a few days ago the availability of the stable release of OpenNebula 5.2 Excession. In this release, some features introduced in 5.0 wizard has been stabilized and those features and components more demanded by the community have been implemented. Almost every component of OpenNebula has been reviewed to target usability and functional improvements.

VDI with UDS Enterprise & OpenStack: Advantages

VDI with UDS Enterprise & OpenStack: Advantages

UDS Enterprise 2.0 supports OpenStack as a hypervisor to access and manage virtual desktops, adding a set of advantages and flexibility in terms of transport protocols, authenticators, ease of use… Our software has been certified as *OpenStack Compatible, ensuring seamless integration and the proper operation of a joint solution.

The UDS Enterprise connection broker unifies and centralizes virtualization platforms. Thanks to its integration with OpenStack, UDS Enterprise can manage the OpenStack VDI platforms through UDS Enterprise web interface, which provides simplicity and ease of use.

Zero-day vulnerability in LDAP amplifies DDoS attacks

Zero-day vulnerability in LDAP amplifies DDoS attacks

Corero Network Security identified a zero-day vulnerability in LDAP protocol that enables to amplify Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) 50 times, making them much more effective and much more difficult to mitigate.

This protocol, mainly used in Windows Server Active Directory administration tool has become an ally for cybercriminals, that leverage vulnerable servers supporting LDAP to bounce junk traffic to a server with a single IP address, so the service is overcrowded and stops working.

Benefits of desktop virtualization

Benefits of desktop virtualization

A few days ago we talked in our blog about a report published by IDC recommending UDS Enterprise connection broker for desktop virtualization projects.

IDC explains in this report entitled Automation and flexible management of the workplace with VDI the benefits of these systems. The consultants believe that the advantages include dynamism and efficiency in deployment, updating and support, the optimization of the workplace resources, the flexibility of multi-device access and the security and availability of applications and data.

OpenStack Summit 2016 starts today in Barcelona

OpenStack Summit 2016 starts today in Barcelona

Barcelona hosts OpenStack Summit 2016 from today and until next Friday 28th October, a conference for developers, users and administrators of OpenStack Cloud software, the most widely deployed Open Source cloud platform. Those organizations or users planning to deploy a private, hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure are invited to attend this event to skill up and plan their cloud strategy.

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