UDS Enterprise supports oVirt 4.2

UDS Enterprise supports oVirt 4.2

The UDS Enterprise team continues faithfully to its purpose of offering its clients the possibility of building VDI & vApp platforms with the most recent versions of the most popular Open Source virtualization technologies of the market. Following this line, the latest release of the connection broker for virtual desktops and applications, UDS Enterprise 2.2, includes support for oVirt 4.2 .

Virtual Cable sponsors I OpenGnsys Conference

Virtual Cable sponsors I OpenGnsys Conference

The University of Malaga will host on the 7th and 8th of June the I OpenGnsys Conference, where the objective is to exchange experiences of the use of the project whose name is given to the event.

VirtualCable is one of the sponsors of this technological event, in which, UDS Enterprise, the VDI connection broker that is developed and supported by this pioneering IT company, will take center stage. Note that the latest version of this software, UDS Enterprise 2.2, incorporates full support for OpenGnsys.

vApp with UDS: Microsoft RDS servers update required

vApp with UDS: Microsoft RDS servers update required

Due to the latest updates provided by Microsoft in Windows 10 and Windows 8, the execution of applications in these OS, with Windows RDS R2 2012 servers, in some occasions is not performed correctly.

If UDS Enterprise transfers an authentication error of the Oracle CredSSP encryption protocol, as shown in the image below, it will mean that your RDS application server is not updated to the last level of patches recommended by the manufacturer.

Install SSL certificates in UDS Enterprise

Install SSL certificates in UDS Enterprise

Making a secure connection to any web page or server is nowadays essential, since there are many illicit practices that pursue the objective of subtracting sensitive information from users. When it comes to corporate information, for any company it is crucial to keep data safe. Therefore, the VDI and vApp connection broker UDS Enterprise allows to install SSL certificates on the system, to guarantee that all connections made by users to their virtual desktops and applications are 100% safe and reliable.

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