Automatic management of app parameters with UDS

Automatic management of app parameters with UDS

UDS Enterprise 2.2 incorporates important improvements in the virtualization of Windows applications through RDS. One of them is the possibility of configuring all the fixed parameters of any application, such as credentials, session timeout, tab size… One of the most common uses of this new feature is the possibility of opening a browser with a predefined home page or configuring the exact file that we’d like to be opened when starting an application.

UDS Enterprise supports OpenGnsys

UDS Enterprise supports OpenGnsys

The newly released version of UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker has two new Service Providers: VMware vCloud and OpenGnsys, which is an Open Source physical equipment orchestrator composed of free and open tools that form a complete, versatile and intuitive system that serves to manage and clone machines. The system has been designed by several Spanish public universities to distribute, install and deploy different operating systems.

UDS Enterprise 2.2 Beta released

UDS Enterprise 2.2 Beta released

The UDS Enterprise team has released the beta of the new version of UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker. UDS Enterprise 2.2 Beta is available exclusively for subscribers who wish to test the new features and functionalities implemented in this release. Among the many novelties we can cite:

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