UPV doubles the use of UDS to enable remote working & eLearning

UPV doubles the use of UDS to enable remote working & eLearning

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has been relying for years on desktop and application virtualization with UDS Enterprise to centralize the management of the computer classrooms of all the schools and faculties on their campuses. Students and teachers have been enjoying the flexibility of being able to access all the teaching software at any time, from any place and device. This solution was also implemented in several UPV university departments and services, which were already enjoying its advantages, such as high availability of applications and greater data security. Thanks to its commitment to this technology, the Information and Communications Systems Area has been able to implement a contingency plan for Covid-19 in a few hours.

El Economista highlights UDS for remote working

El Economista highlights UDS for remote working

The newspaper El Economista, leader of the economic press in Spain and surpassed only by The Wall Street Journal at an international level, has echoed the advantages of using UDS Enterprise as a remote working solution.

To analyze the challenges faced by organizations that have to implement remote work quickly due to the current health crisis, this newspaper has published a complete interview with Félix Casado, CEO of Virtual Cable, a company that develops and supports the UDS Enterprise connection broker for desktop and application virtualization. The full interview is available at this link.

Webinar recording: graphics intensive VDI with UDS and PCoIP

Webinar recording: graphics intensive VDI with UDS and PCoIP

Remote work was gradually being installed in our lives; some companies were progressively implementing it. But the current health crisis is accelerating this process and is leading companies to look for a solution that helps their employees to continue working from home as fast as possible to keep the production cycle alive at the lower cost that this situation allows. Desktop and application virtualization is an essential technology to provide a fast, efficient and secure solution.

When designing the infrastructure that will make remote working viable, it is convenient to analyze the needs of each group of users, so that all of them can carry out their tasks seamlessly. Workstations using graphics-intensive applications require a special mention, since if the right components are not used, it will be impossible to provide a good user experience. Choosing an appropriate connection protocol is essential to provide the best performance at both image and audio level.

Secure e-Learning and telecommuting for Education with VDI

Secure e-Learning and telecommuting for Education with VDI

Since the very beginning of its professional activity, VirtualCable has had a close relationship with the educational sector in general and with the Spanish universities in particular. We have worked closely with many of them making custom developments to facilitate the adoption of desktop and application virtualization technology.

We have also collaborated on joint projects to make available to the entire educational community functionalities that did not exist to date (such as the access to VDI and vApp through Moodle), which simplify IT work and help teachers and students improve their academic experience.

Why you should adopt VDI in your organization

Why you should adopt VDI in your organization

It seems that with each passing year, more companies are experimenting with or fully implementing VDI. While there have been some clumsy and imperfect examples of VDI software and usage here and there, businesses today are coming to recognize a number of benefits they can enjoy by putting a reliable virtual desktop system in place. In this piece we want to explore some of those benefits by pointing out a few reasons to consider adopting VDI in your organization.

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