New UDS Enterprise language: Catalan

New UDS Enterprise language: Catalan

UDS Enterprise incorporates Catalan as a new language for users and administrators. One of the clients of UDS Enterprise, the Universitat de les Illes Balears, in collaboration with our development team, has made it possible for UDS Enterprise VDI connection broker to be used in this language.

VDI Linux with UDS, Red Hat Forum & oVirt

VDI Linux with UDS, Red Hat Forum & oVirt

The experience of the university centers with UDS Enterprise deploying Linux virtual desktops, the annual Red Hat event held in Madrid and the incorporation of the last version of the virtualization platform oVirt to the list of hypervisors supported by the UDS Enterprise connection broker have been the most popular topics of our blog during the month of October.

Universities deploy thousands of Linux desktops with UDS

Universities deploy thousands of Linux desktops with UDS

Undoubtedly one of the outstanding features of our VDI connection broker UDS Enterprise is native support of Linux desktops. In fact, in many cases it has been a decisive feature for our customers to opt for our software. This is the case of the Autonomous University of Madrid . Julio Álvarez, Systems Manager of the IT Support Technical Unit of this center, explains that they chose UDS Enterprise because “we wanted to deploy Linux desktops and it was the only VDI solution that allowed us to do it“.

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