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VDI & vApp on Chromebooks with UDS Enterprise

The UDS Enterprise connection broker brings the advantages of desktop and application virtualization to Chromebooks, low-cost computers that are currently booming in sectors such as education and public administration.

The UDS Enterprise team has performed the appropiate tests to verify the compatibility of the VDI & vApp connection broker with Chrome OS, the operating system developed by Google governing these devices.

UDS Enterprise adds new options for vCenter

The UDS Enterprise team has incorporated interesting developments in the VMware vCenter Platform Provider. Three different types of Services can now be deployed from this Service Provider using UDS Enterprise 2.2 version: “Clone Based – Full”, “Clone Based – Linked” and “Fixed Machines Pool”.

UDS Enterprise, first VDI solution compatible with XCP-ng

UDS Enterprise is the only VDI and vApp connection broker compatible with XCP-ng, a fully Open Source hypervisor based on XenServer. The XCP-ng team has verified the seamless integration of both solutions and has granted UDS Enterprise the XCP-ng Ready certification.

Fully persistent virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise

The latest release of the VDI and vApp connection broker vApp UDS Enterprise 2.2 introduces a new concept in the configuration of virtual desktops: persistent desktops at user level. This new development allows you to deploy a full persistent desktop, which will remain intact until the administrator of the platform decides to remove it manually.


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