VDI in Call Center environments I

VDI in Call Center environments I

The particular features of the Call Center workstation environments are positioning desktop virtualization as the ideal solution to manage and administer this kind of platforms.

Before talking about the benefits of adopting VDI in these environments, we should analyze its peculiarities:

-High operator rotation. In this type of environment, the users change more frequently than in other types of environments. A high rotation entails constant management and administration of the platform authentication system.

XenServer Dundee pre-release available

XenServer Dundee pre-release available

The XenServer team has announced the availability of XenServer Dundee pre-release, the next version of Citrix‘s Open Source virtualization platform.

In this way, users may access the first software versions and they will be able to report their experience to the company.

This firts release includes one of the most demanded features from the previous edition: support for CentOS 7. Moreover, the plugin to manage dockers is already installed and it allows Xen Orchestra display the dockers running in virtual machines.

If you’d like to be one of the first ones to test it, access the download here.

Login PI available: VDI performance monitoring

Login PI available: VDI performance monitoring

Yesterday we had the opportunity to listen Brian Madden and Gabe Knuth, well-known virtualization experts, presenting Login PI, new Login VSI solution that monitors virtual desktop performance.

This new tool, gives IT the advantage of understanding the current end user experience within their VDI environment by using highly realistic synthetic users instead of production end users.

AMD releases an Open Source driver

AMD releases an Open Source driver

AMD has released the Open Source driver AMDGPU with support for Radeon R9 285.

Publishing the code of this driver, the company reaches out to Linux distributions’ users that have been demanding for a long time the possibility to use free drivers. The only found restriction is that Catalyst will be an additional and propietary component.

The quest for interoperability at Protocols Plugfest Europe

The quest for interoperability at Protocols Plugfest Europe

Protocols Plugfest Europe 2015 will be held next May 12, 13 and 14 at Zaragoza (Spain). This conference will bring together experts from leading technology companies and Open Source projects so that they can share visions, experiences and technical knowledge to help advance the industry in its quest for interoperability.

This event reinforces the collaboration on interoperability and protocols between Open Source and non-Open Source companies and projects. The agenda includes technical and business insights from Microsoft, Red Hat, CENATIC, SerNet, Dell, Collabora, KDE, FSFE, RavenDB, Kolab Systems, LibreOffice, Igalia, BlueMind, Bitergia, Samba, OpenChange, Libelium, Griffin Brown Publishing, id law partners and Hibernating Rhinos.

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