Why choose a Linux OS for servers

Why choose a Linux OS for servers

In recent years the number of Internet servers and data centers around the world that use an operating system based on Linux has grown considerably. Renowned companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter or Amazon have a server software based on Linux. Eventhe most powerful supercomputer in the world works with a Linux-based OS. And why is this Linux boom on the servers? Find below the main reasons:

The Pentagon will move to Open Source in 2018

The Pentagon will move to Open Source in 2018

Far from the military actions themselves, the United States Pentagon is one of the places in the world where much of the work, such as reporting, briefings, data management and management tasks, are carried out with computer software. Next year a great change could be built, since there is a proposed bill to stop using proprietary software in favor of Open Source.

VDI Linux with UDS, Red Hat Forum & oVirt

VDI Linux with UDS, Red Hat Forum & oVirt

The experience of the university centers with UDS Enterprise deploying Linux virtual desktops, the annual Red Hat event held in Madrid and the incorporation of the last version of the virtualization platform oVirt to the list of hypervisors supported by the UDS Enterprise connection broker have been the most popular topics of our blog during the month of October.

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