The unstoppable Linux expansion

The unstoppable Linux expansion

Did you realize Linux is present each day in more technological environments? Thanks to the free software flexibility and Open Source possibilities for collaborative development, the developments with this operating system are increasingly numerous and do not adhere only to PCs.

Mobile devices are one of these areas. Not only Android is based on Linux. Some of the new mobile operating systems, like Tizen, Sailfish OS or Firefox OS also carry the heart of the penguin software.

Bionico Hand, an Open Source and low cost prosthetics project

Bionico Hand, an Open Source and low cost prosthetics project

Nicolas Huchet lost his right arm in 2002. This accident encouraged him to investigate about the creation of bionic prosthesis more sophisticated that the financed ones but also more affordable than the ones available in the market, which costs are more than 30.000€. Thus Bionico Hand was born, an association that works to promote the use of Open Source and 3D printing to develop more economic prosthesis.

The Open Source character of this project allows that any developer contributes to improve it from any part of the world. In this way, they want to end with health inequality and turn technology into a vehicle to improve the lives of disabled people no matter their economic status.

Linux Foundation launches Open Platform for NFV Project

Linux Foundation launches Open Platform for NFV Project

Linux Foundation is moving forward in the telecommunications sector. This week they have announced the birth of an Open Source platform that aims to speed up the introduction of new products and services thanks to Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). This project is called Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) and it is supported by vendors and telecom operators, such as AT&T, Red Hat, HP, Cisco or Citrix.

This new initiative will accelerate the delivery of cloud-based models to operators, enable interoperability and will accelerate standards through an Open Source reference platform.

Linux certifications, Open Source VDI and social media channels

Linux certifications, Open Source VDI and social media channels

Our blog’s readers have chosen the new Linux Certification Program, 100% Open Source virtual desktops and UDS Enterprise social media channels as the most interesting posts for the last weeks.

If you dind’t have the chance to read them, find below the link to each article so that you can keep up with the most outstanding news according to our own followers:

New Linux Certification Program

100% Open Source virtual desktops

UDS Enterprise launches social media profiles

Canonical launches Ubuntu Developers Tool Center

Canonical launches Ubuntu Developers Tool Center

Canonical makes things easier for developers launching Ubuntu Developers Tool Center. This project aims at providing the community with the most requested programming and developing tools. And its goal is really ambitious: they want that Ubuntu becomes the best platform for developers.

For the moment, developers can download the latest Android Studio version together with Android SDK, and afterwards all the tools for web developers, Dart language or Go will be available too.

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