UDS Enterprise in The Linux Foundation’s Guide to the Open Cloud

UDS Enterprise in The Linux Foundation’s Guide to the Open Cloud

The Linux Foundation has released this week its second annual Guide to the Open Cloud, with a compillation of Open Source projects used by organizations to build from scratch its open clouds.

The report includes 18 new projects that are becoming increasingly important within the sector. Among them, we find oVirt virtualization platform and UDS Enterprise appears highlighted in this part of the guide (page 15) as one of the projects that actively supports this initiative endorsed by Red Hat. UDS Enterprise is compatible with oVirt and the use of both solutions, together with KVM hypervisor, enables you to deploy Open Source virtual desktops.

UDS Enterprise supports OpenStack development

UDS Enterprise supports OpenStack development

OpenStack has included UDS Enterprise in the supporting companies list that are actively involved in the development of the project. The development Team has been working for months to implement connectivity to OpenStack to the VDI connection broker.

This action is part of VirtualCable’s policy of spreading and supporting Open Source initiatives for the benefit of the community.

Remote PCs with UDS Enterprise & OpenGnSys

Remote PCs with UDS Enterprise & OpenGnSys

The University of Sevilla and the University of Malaga are working with the UDS Enterprise development team in the Remote PC project, which grants access to the ICT classroom computers during out-of-school time in order to optimize the existing resources and access the specialized laboratories. In addition, PCs, memories and CPUs that have become obsolete or that are no longer used, have now a new and important role, which means an important cost saving and allows to make the most of the current computer park. In this way, the university meets the demand of students who increasingly use their own devices and gets cost savings in software licences.

UDS Enterprise Newsroom released

UDS Enterprise Newsroom released

UDS Enterprise releases a new new section of its website: the Newsroom.

Here you will find all the information related to the connection broker spread by the media and on the websites of technology partners such as OpenStack, oVirt or Citrix.

You can find all technical information about the software, white papers and manuals in the Documents section.

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