WDI, UDS Enterprise in Russian and OpenGnsys Conference

WDI, UDS Enterprise in Russian and OpenGnsys Conference

The new WDI solution for virtual desktops in the cloud with UDS Enterprise as connection broker that was released by our Authorized Partner Walhalla Cloud, the availability of UDS Enterprise in Russian thanks to another of our partners, SharxDC, and the I OpenGnsys Conference, where our software was described as the cornerstone of several technological projects of great use for the academic environment have been the topics of our blog that more interest have awakened during the summer months.

UDS Enterprise will be available in Russian

UDS Enterprise will be available in Russian

The growing interest in UDS Enterprise by international companies is making this software available in more and more languages, and the next to join the list will be Russian. In fact, all the necessary actions have already been taken to make it available in the next version of the VDI & vApp connection broker.

VDI grows thanks to its profitability and ease of use

VDI grows thanks to its profitability and ease of use

The use of desktop virtualization is spreading more and more thanks to the fact that these IT infrastructures are increasingly profitable and simpler to design, implement and maintain. This follows the annual survey conducted by VDI Like a PRO, in which 755 respondents participated. Of which, 82% say they are using VDI this year, compared to 77% last year.

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