Top 5 articles on VDI technology of the year 2021

Top 5 articles on VDI technology of the year 2021

After the Christmas holidays, we return to our blog posts, looking back and reviewing the most read news during the year that just ended. As you may know, the main topic we deal with is desktop virtualization (VDI), although we also echo articles on virtualization in general, cybersecurity or Open Source that may be interesting for our audience. The news about our UDS Enterprise VDI software, virtual applications and remote access take on special prominence, as well as the announcements related to our partner channel and our technological alliances.

Windows Server 2022 VDI and vApp with UDS Enterprise

Windows Server 2022 VDI and vApp with UDS Enterprise

Some days ago, we announced on our blog that it is now possible to deploy Windows 11 virtual desktops with UDS Enterprise , our connection broker for VDI, application virtualization and remote access to devices. Today we confirm our software’s compatibility with the latest version of another Microsoft technology, in this case, to manage and deliver both virtual desktops and virtualized applications to users: Windows Server 2022.

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