RedIRIS establishes the VES – UDS forum
Due to the growing interest in UDS Enterprise within the educational community, RedIRIS has created a specific coordination list to deal with technical issues related to this VDI & vApp connection broker.
Due to the growing interest in UDS Enterprise within the educational community, RedIRIS has created a specific coordination list to deal with technical issues related to this VDI & vApp connection broker.
The new version of the VDI & vApp UDS Enterprise connection broker offers platform administrators the possibility of granting users certain permissions on a service. In particular they can delete and restart a virtual desktop.
To assign these permissions you must access the “Service Pools” section in the UDS Enterprise administration dashboard. Once there, when creating a new Pool or editing an existing one, in the “Advanced” tab the two new options will appear.
The VDI & vApp connection broker UDS Enterprise allows to access virtual desktops and applications from Chromebook devices through its HTML5 connector. This type of connection allows to perform a series of advanced tasks regarding file management:
The UDS Enterprise connection broker brings the advantages of desktop and application virtualization to Chromebooks, low-cost computers that are currently booming in sectors such as education and public administration.
The UDS Enterprise team has performed the appropiate tests to verify the compatibility of the VDI & vApp connection broker with Chrome OS, the operating system developed by Google governing these devices.
The UDS Enterprise team has incorporated interesting developments in the VMware vCenter Platform Provider. Three different types of Services can now be deployed from this Service Provider using UDS Enterprise 2.2 version: “Clone Based – Full”, “Clone Based – Linked” and “Fixed Machines Pool”.
UDS Enterprise is the only VDI and vApp connection broker compatible with XCP-ng, a fully Open Source hypervisor based on XenServer. The XCP-ng team has verified the seamless integration of both solutions and has granted UDS Enterprise the XCP-ng Ready certification.